Shades of Past and Present

July 02, 2024

As the interior restoration of the Eugenia Williams House moves through its final stages, the developments inside are quickly shaping up to be just as impactful as the exterior and grounds.

Historic paint analysis is a process that involves identifying and analyzing the materials and colors of historic paints. The goal is to understand the painted surfaces’ conditions and materials, identify whether they are original, and allow for precise documentation. The process also helps determine what the colors would have looked like initially so that they can be replicated.

To preserve the unique choices and conditions inside the Eugenia Williams House, experts collected paint samples from the walls of each room and submitted them to a conservator for material analysis. They then matched the colors to modern Benjamin Moore paints.

Several rooms throughout the Eugenia Williams House have been restored and repainted with an exact color match to the original historic paint colors, such as Eugenia’s bedroom, the kitchen, and the second bedroom. Other rooms are painted with new color selections that will complement and enhance the House’s character while also setting the scene for future use.

We are excited to reveal the fully refurbished rooms in March of 2025!